New ChordPro Buddy Version 1.2.0 is submitted to the App Store

New Features:
- Graphic chord charts on top of lyrics
- Graphic chord charts on top of the song
- ASCII Text import (chords above lyrics)
- Support for latin (DO, RE, MI...) chord notation
- Support for german (B = H, Bb = B) chord notation
- quick zoom slider
- use zoom gestures on Multi Trackpads
- optional lead time for autoscrolling
- optional screen lock blocking
- MIDI send and receive support (start/stop/rewind) with learn function
- improved layout
- let the user change the default file extension in the save dialog
- preferences for min/max values of the font size sliders
- preference to deny screensaver or screen locking while in View mode
- now while playing(autoscrolling) screen will NEVER lock, even if the preference is not set
- in editor if some text is selected, then the context menu changes to "Mark as..."

- english
- german
- italian
- dutch
- swedish

And - of course many bug fixes...